Individual therapy is the process of having one-on-one meetings with a therapist in a therapy room about various psychological problems experienced by a person or about issues for which he / she wants to get counseling. Each of the meetings with the therapist is called a session.
Session duration is 60 minutes. The frequency of sessions may differ in various therapy methods. The frequency of sessions, which is 3 times a week in some approaches, is determined as once a week in most approaches. However, this period can be arranged more or less frequently in line with the special needs of the client.
Starting and continuing therapy is on a voluntary basis. Regular participation in therapy and the implementation of exercises and studies in the therapy process depend on the client, and these are factors that directly affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the therapy.
Individual therapy is a process that a person participates and continues alone. Relatives, spouse, family and friends of the person are not included in the therapy process in adult individuals. In some special cases, exceptions can be made in accordance with the knowledge and approval of the client in order to obtain opinions or provide information from these persons.